Thursday, 11 August 2016

Day 41 - Is today the day??

I have my six week appointment with the consultant TODAY!!! I am keeping everything I can crossed that the x-rays will be ok and I will be allowed to walk (what's that I hear you say?)....yes...WALK out of the hospital! With my feet in actual shoes and everything.

I'm a bit nervous they might find a problem and I'll have to stay in my heel shoes for a bit longer - but just have to stay positive and look forward. I also really hope I don't have a meltdown and almost pass out again like last time!

I'm off on holiday in a few weeks time, and decided I need to get hold of a good pair of sandals to wear as trainers might be a bit limiting in the heat. I have searched far and wide for the right pair as they need to fit the following criteria:

Have a backstrap
Not a thin strap over toes because of swelling
Not a flat/thin sole

This is harder than you might think - anyway earlier this week I found the PERFECT pair. They were brilliant - the were flip flop style so wouldn't restrict my toes, but had a chunky backstrap and another strap to support the top of the foot, and a padded sole. Not only that, they were white which everyone who knows me knows I love white shoes!

Here are the lovelies in question:
So they arrived yesterday and I thought I would try them out - they looked fab and I was so happy to get a pair that would fit my ever so slightly puffy feet in - HA! how wrong I was!! My feet aren't just a little puffy as I thought - my feet are HUGE! I couldn't get my foot past the brown strap, I managed to cram them in which then hurt my scar so panicked and thought they might have to be cut off me. I will keep these shoes as they are just beautiful but I think I was kidding myself when I thought I was immune to bad swelling and that normal shoes would be no problem!

I then gathered up some of my old pairs of shoes which had stretched out a bit. Some of these fit, but all were snug.

This afternoon I am off to the hospital to get my feet x-rayed and see the consultant, so I have my trainers ready to go. These are the beauties I am taking:

These are the most comfortable shoe I have tried on by far and has a lovely soft toe box so doesn't restrict my toes.

Keeping everything crossed I will be walking in these today!

Whilst reflecting on the last six weeks I have made a list of all the things I miss that I'm looking forward to when life returns to normal!

Doing things with speed
Being busy
Wearing nice clothes and shoes
Not worrying so much about what I eat
Standing up straight, normal walking
Going to restaurants/pubs

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