Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Day 10 - Meltdown

Today was not a good day sadly...

I started off the day so well. It was my husband's first day back at work, he'd been working from home all last week so that he was around to help me, but unfortunately that couldn't last forever so he was back to the office. I wanted to help him out so managed to shower myself and get ready - it was hard but I thought I need to make some small steps to getting independent. Hubby made me a tall flask of tea to keep by the sofa so I could have it on demand and set up my cushions, so I was all set for the day, feeling fairly positive.

And then it happened...

The cat came in late morning and he must have had a furball or something but he started wretching as if he was about to be imminently sick on our carpet. At this point all thoughts of the surgery, stitches, broken bones and heel walking boots disappeared from my mind and I leapt up to go and pick the cat up before he was sick. I suddenly found myself in the middle of the living room struggling to balance and wondering why. It was like I'd stood up after a few to many drinks and realising I can't feel my legs. I had completely forgotten about it all in the moment!! It didn't hurt, but I immediately had the strong sense that I really shouldn't have leapt to my feet like that and panicked. Shortly after my feet started hurting more than usual and I completely freaked out! I took all my pain medication but could still feel it twinging and shooting. I had such a panic that I'd damaged something, then the pain medication took hold and made me feel so down, I really couldn't pick myself up for the rest of the day.

I spent most of the afternoon really teary and everyone was trying to reassure me it would be fine. When hubby arrived home he suggested I call the hospital for advice if I was still concerned to put my mind at rest. I gave them a call to ask and the nurse said it was highly unlikely I would've damaged anything and to get my feet up in the air and take my pain meds as usual. This relieved me a little.

The strange thing is that since this happened, I've developed a sharp feeling right in the crease of my big toe - right where one of the staples is. This is my main concern, that I've dislodged something and it might not heal properly, or worse, the bunion could come back. I really can't wait now for the six week appointment so I can see what has happened to my feet.

Finding this whole thing so so much harder than I ever expected. I really wish I could feel upbeat but it is impossible, and I'm normally such a happy person.

Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow...

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