Friday, 15 July 2016

Day 14 - Two weeks!!!!!

I really can't believe it but today is exactly two weeks since my operation. This week has definitely gone faster than the first week, and has been a little easier, although it has brought new challenges. I'm officially one third of the way through my stint with the heel walking boots - these seem to be my nemesis and the main milestone I am looking forward to moving on from. I'm very aware that at 6 weeks, when I start full-weight bearing, will be painful, challenging, slow, and that I won't be able to wear proper shoes for a while still, but I'm really looking forward to not worrying every time my foot touches the floor.

My first piece of advice on week two of recovery is don't do too much(!!!) I've read this so many times on blogs, on forums and on patient advice documents, but it's still very easy to think that if you start feeling a little better that you are much further recovered than you actually are. Monday was a clear example of this when I jumped up - obviously this was an accident, but an example of how going too fast too soon can have bad consequences, physically and mentally.

Thankfully, my symptoms from Monday's little meltdown have settled down a bit - I'm still getting some aggravation, and still not sure if it was just a coincidence or not, but then pain has decreased which I'm thankful for as I almost called the hospital to go back in at one point.

Today I had a doctors appointment to check my platelet level after two weeks of blood thinning injections. My last injection was yesterday so it now means I need to do a bit more to keep my circulation going, whilst I still can't get around much due to swelling, and therefore pain.

I'm getting squishy - I can feel it all over. I was always quite proud before of having strong legs, but I can feel the muscle softening with every minute of sitting on my behind. I am clutching at being able to go for a run, go to a gym, play squash, dance! I might look into getting a trainer when I am back to normal(ish) so that I can build some strength. I also want to work on my core which is something I have struggled with, having poor balance due to my bunions and having a curved spine!

However, today I did manage a very small workout (and I mean VERY small). I did some arm dips off the side of the sofa, being sure to keep my heels down and toes up on the floor. I then put my feet up on a cushion by the window and did some ab curls, and shoulder bridges, and also used my trigger point balls (these have been a godsend). I then moved back to the floor and did some leg raises - couldn't manage many of these as I could feel the strain pulling through my toes and it was just too uncomfortable.

With regards to general recovery - many people might think that it's just your feet you are having operated on - but it is so much more than that and it does take it's toll. Today I had a friend come to visit for a couple of hours, and I was exhausted by the time he left. I also found going to the doctors exhausting. I had to walk with my crutches into the reception and through to the nurses area (not far at all!!!) and I was so tired - to the point of being nearly out of breath, just from two weeks of pure immobility! It was horrible and I can't wait to get my fitness back up to scratch. It just shows that even though my feet aren't in as much pain, I am still a LONG way from being recovered.

Very happy to be two weeks in however, feel like the worst of it is slowly passing and looking forward to feeling better every day!

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