Friday, 22 July 2016

Day 21 - Half way booties!

I'm chuffed that today is the end of my third week post osteotomy, and therefore half way to hopefully getting these boots off! In the past week I've seen the biggest improvement and am feeling a little better in myself. I'm still mega frustrated, and mentally I have a way to go, but can feel improvements and am getting more capable of doing things for myself so my general mood is lifting.

This week we've had the weather that should happen in July - it's been so hot, around 33 degrees C on Tuesday. Most people would love this, especially when off work, however for me, this was the last thing I wanted. My feet are so hot and they swell more in the heat which makes them throb more. I was staying at my sisters for a few days as my husband was away with work and I ended up having to hide in her spare room most of the day as everywhere else was far too hot.

The only upside was that after two weeks I was allowed to remove the heel-wedge boot when I'm not walking so used the opportunity of a double bed without my husband to try sleeping without the boots. It was weird, as I felt subconsciously that I was more likely to damage something, or the risk of getting up in the night by accident, but I did manage to find a much more comfortable position without the boot on, and therefore got a better night's sleep. I've been sleeping since then without the boots on and am feeling much better as a result. It also helps in the heat to be able to take the boot off as they are similar to walking boots in terms of the weight.

My mobility has improved greatly, I can now hobble without my crutches, meaning I can carry light things such as a cup of tea - although it's not ideal to walk without crutches but it does make me feel better to be less dependent on others ALL the time.

I have put on weight in the last three weeks, I'm not sure how much as I haven't worked out how to get on the scale without my space boots, but I feel much fuller and it doesn't help that my muscles are majorly atrophying at the same time. I am dying to get out and have a mad burst of energy and to feel my heart pumped for once, I never thought I would miss exercising this much!! Next week I think I'm going to have to do a bit of a diet to decrease my calorie intake - I'm not expecting to lose a lot due to lack of exercise, but I think I need to cut back otherwise nothing will fit me by the time I can walk again!

I'm looking forward now to Monday when I will get the bandages removed - I don't know what they will be putting in place of the bandage but I believe I will then also be allowed to get my foot wet which means I can FINALLY wash my feet 😊😊😊, the thought of this makes me very happy! I'll also be starting my physio exercises on Monday, which involved bending my toes up and down until they hurt - not looking forward to this as I hear it's really painful, but I am excited about the prospect of seeing my feet, seeing the damage from the incisions (hope they're not too bad) and being able to move my toes! All steps to getting back to normal!

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